Puja is the act of showing reverence to a god, a spirit,
or another aspect of the divine through invocations, prayers, songs, and
rituals. An essential part of puja for the Hindu devotee is making a spiritual
connection with the divine. Most often that contact is facilitated through
an object: an element of nature, a sculpture, a vessel, a painting, or a
For performing Basic Puja which has specific pre-defined order and sequence, which we ought to follow is as follows. In Hindu religion, Pooja and Anushthaan are important and sanctimonious duties which enable the native to attain prosperity, success, peace and enlightment.
Pooja is of two types.
Saguna: This type of pooja is performed by married and family persons to fulfill their wishes or to gain some special things in life. It is mandatory to perform all the eight parts of the saguna pooja.
Nirguna: This form of pooja is used by saints or celibates. They can chant concerned mantra or offer prayers in any form of their liking or wishes.

The Procedures of Pooja
1.Physical Purification: Sprinkle pure Gangajal (Water obtained from the sacred River Ganges) on your body.
Om (Aum ) Apavitraha Pavitovaa Sarva-Vastaang Gatopivaa I
Yah Smaret Pundarikaaksham Sava Shyabhyaam Tarah Shuchi II
2.Soul Purification: To sanctify your inner soul, drink Gangajal spelling the name of any Hindu God.
Aum (Om) Keshwaaye Namah
Aum (Om) Naraanaye Namah
Aum (Om) Maadhwaaye Namah
Aum (Om) Hrishikeshaaye Namah
Clean your hands while chanting Aum (Om) Hrishikeshaaye Namah.
3.Purification of the seat: It is important to sanctify the place where we are supposed to sit and pray.
Aum Prithvi Twaya Dhritaalokaa Devitwam Vishnunaadhrita I
Twam Cha Dharayah Maamdevi Pavitram Purichaasam II
4.Pavitri Dhaaran: We need to purify the blood flowing in our body. To do this, one needs to wear the ring made of Kush (Kind of Grass) or Gold in ring or middle finger.
Pavitryaasthoh Vaishnabhyoh Sa Vi Turvaaha Pra Sha Ba Utpurnaa I
Mmyachidre Na Pavitre Na Surya Jasya Rashmibhihi
Tasya te Pavitraapate Pavitraputasya Yat Kaamah Pune Takshake Yamma II
5.Tilak Dhaaranam (In Hinduism, Tilak is a mark worn on forehead): Whenever we contemplate to do
righteous works then we are grappled with numerous problems that delay our good work. Tilak is worn to avert these problems and help the native to obtain strength and mental stability to successfully carry out the homage.
Swasti Na Indro Bridhdhha Sravaaha I
Swasti Na Haan Pookha Vishvwaa Vedaaha
Swasti Nastaaraksho Arishtane Mehin
Swasti No Vrihaspaatir Dadhaatu II
6.Suryaardhyam: Sun holds a very important role in our lives. This is because Sun was the only Lord who provided important rays to the mankind, ever since its origin. Sun has eradicated the darkness and ignorance of the nature and mankind.
Aakrishne Narjasaa Vartamano Niveshayan Na Mrityour Martayash Cha I
Hiranya Ye Na Savitarathe Na Devo Jaa Tibhuvana Nippasyanna II
The whole environment gets lighted with the rise of Sun and this light also protects mankind from the darkness of ignorance. Sun is responsible for the social recognition and reputation; this is why we pray to him for happiness and peace by offering him the ardhya containing fresh water.
7.Pitree Ardhya:
Aum Devatabhyaha Pitribhyash Cha Mahaoyge Vyayev Cha I
Namah Swadhaye Swahaye Nitya Mev Namo Namah II
The aforementioned pitree-kriya helps in the successful completion of all rituals concerning Sanaatan Dharm.
8.Digrakshanam (Protecting the Directions)
To protect the ritual and yajna, one should sprinkle Yellow Mustard Seeds in ten directions and pray to the Lord of the respective direction. The prayer must be a form of request to protect the native and his righteous work. Following are the names of the Lords of the ten directions.
1. Varaaha
2. Garurdhwaja
3. Padmnaabha
4. Madhusoodana
5. Govinda
6. Janaardhana
7. Shri Patihi
8. Maheshwara
9. Brahma jee
10. Prithvi ( Earth)
9.Swasti Swaagatam: From time immemorial, Gods and Goddesses are welcomed by chanting sacred Vedic Mantra. However, the modern people wish to complete all this swiftly by chanting short words or chanting words in haste. Welcoming the revered, respected and worshipped Gods or Saints without any Vedic Mantra is considered wrong according to Vedic Sanaatan religious books. It is the general and important custom to greet or welcome through Vedic Mahaamantra.
Aum aa no bhadrah kratavo yantu vishwaotodbdhaaso aparitaas udbhidah I
Deva no yathaa sadmid vridhe asannapraayuvo rakshitaaro dive dive II
Devanaam bhadra sumatirirjooyataam denanaam raatirabhi no nivartataam I
Devanaam Sakhyamupsedima vayam deva na aayuh pratirantu jeevase II
Taanpurvayaa nivida hoomahe vayam bhagam mitramaditim dakshamstridham I
Aryamanam varunam Somamashwinaa saraswati nah subhaga mayaskarat II
Tanno vaato mayobhu vaatu bheshajam tanmaata prithivi tatpitaa dhyoh I
Tad Gravanah Somsuto Mayobhuwastadashwina shrinutam dhishnayaa yuvam II
TAmishaanam jagadastasthukhaspatim dhiyannijanvamavase hoomahe vayam I
Pushaa no yathaa vedsaamsad vridhe rakshita paayuradabdhah swastaye II
Swasti Na Indro Bridhdhha Sravaaha I
Swasti Na Haan Pookha Vishvwaa Vedaaha
Swasti Nastaaraksho Arishtane Mehin
Swasti No Vrihaspaatir Dadhaatu II
Prikhadashwa marutah prisnimaatarah subhanjaavanu bidathe khu jag mayah I
Agnejihvaa manavaah surakchasho visve nu devaa awasa gamanyah II
Bhdram Karnebhihi Shrinuyaam devaa bhadram pashye na khs bhir jay at rah I
Sthireange Tushtova Gum Sastanu Bhir Vyasemadehi Devahitam Yadaayuh II
Shri man mahaa ganadhiipataye namah II
Aum Tadev lagnam shudhinam ta deva I
Tara walam Chandra walam ta deva II
Vidya walam deb walam ta deva I
Laxmi patete ghriguyoon smaraami II
Vakratunda Mahaakaaya Suryakotee SamaPrabha
Nirvighnam kuru mey Deva, Sarva kaaryeshu Sarvadaa II10.Samkalp (Pledge): There are two types of Samkalp
a) Nishkaam Samkalp: This samkalp is devoid of any thoughts and wishes. And this Samkalp is done from the curiosity of inner core.
b) Sakaam Samkalp: Through this samkalp, we wish to eradicate the problems in our lives. We tell our problems to God by mentioning our Zodiac (Raashee), Planetary position of the day (Gochar), house and want the God top sort out those problems. Hindu religion believes that there is power in mantra which can decimate our problems.
These steps are precursor to a successful pooja, especially for Saguna Pooja. Remember, you will get the benefic effects of a pooja only when every step (of the aforementioned ones) is performed in the way as described. However, not following them would not harm you but it would not be beneficial either.
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Pooja is of two types.
Saguna: This type of pooja is performed by married and family persons to fulfill their wishes or to gain some special things in life. It is mandatory to perform all the eight parts of the saguna pooja.
Nirguna: This form of pooja is used by saints or celibates. They can chant concerned mantra or offer prayers in any form of their liking or wishes.

The Procedures of Pooja
1.Physical Purification: Sprinkle pure Gangajal (Water obtained from the sacred River Ganges) on your body.
Om (Aum ) Apavitraha Pavitovaa Sarva-Vastaang Gatopivaa I
Yah Smaret Pundarikaaksham Sava Shyabhyaam Tarah Shuchi II
2.Soul Purification: To sanctify your inner soul, drink Gangajal spelling the name of any Hindu God.
Aum (Om) Keshwaaye Namah
Aum (Om) Naraanaye Namah
Aum (Om) Maadhwaaye Namah
Aum (Om) Hrishikeshaaye Namah
Clean your hands while chanting Aum (Om) Hrishikeshaaye Namah.
3.Purification of the seat: It is important to sanctify the place where we are supposed to sit and pray.
Aum Prithvi Twaya Dhritaalokaa Devitwam Vishnunaadhrita I
Twam Cha Dharayah Maamdevi Pavitram Purichaasam II
4.Pavitri Dhaaran: We need to purify the blood flowing in our body. To do this, one needs to wear the ring made of Kush (Kind of Grass) or Gold in ring or middle finger.
Pavitryaasthoh Vaishnabhyoh Sa Vi Turvaaha Pra Sha Ba Utpurnaa I
Mmyachidre Na Pavitre Na Surya Jasya Rashmibhihi
Tasya te Pavitraapate Pavitraputasya Yat Kaamah Pune Takshake Yamma II
5.Tilak Dhaaranam (In Hinduism, Tilak is a mark worn on forehead): Whenever we contemplate to do

Swasti Na Indro Bridhdhha Sravaaha I
Swasti Na Haan Pookha Vishvwaa Vedaaha
Swasti Nastaaraksho Arishtane Mehin
Swasti No Vrihaspaatir Dadhaatu II
6.Suryaardhyam: Sun holds a very important role in our lives. This is because Sun was the only Lord who provided important rays to the mankind, ever since its origin. Sun has eradicated the darkness and ignorance of the nature and mankind.
Aakrishne Narjasaa Vartamano Niveshayan Na Mrityour Martayash Cha I
Hiranya Ye Na Savitarathe Na Devo Jaa Tibhuvana Nippasyanna II
The whole environment gets lighted with the rise of Sun and this light also protects mankind from the darkness of ignorance. Sun is responsible for the social recognition and reputation; this is why we pray to him for happiness and peace by offering him the ardhya containing fresh water.
7.Pitree Ardhya:
Aum Devatabhyaha Pitribhyash Cha Mahaoyge Vyayev Cha I
Namah Swadhaye Swahaye Nitya Mev Namo Namah II
The aforementioned pitree-kriya helps in the successful completion of all rituals concerning Sanaatan Dharm.
8.Digrakshanam (Protecting the Directions)
To protect the ritual and yajna, one should sprinkle Yellow Mustard Seeds in ten directions and pray to the Lord of the respective direction. The prayer must be a form of request to protect the native and his righteous work. Following are the names of the Lords of the ten directions.
1. Varaaha
2. Garurdhwaja
3. Padmnaabha
4. Madhusoodana
5. Govinda
6. Janaardhana
7. Shri Patihi
8. Maheshwara
9. Brahma jee
10. Prithvi ( Earth)
9.Swasti Swaagatam: From time immemorial, Gods and Goddesses are welcomed by chanting sacred Vedic Mantra. However, the modern people wish to complete all this swiftly by chanting short words or chanting words in haste. Welcoming the revered, respected and worshipped Gods or Saints without any Vedic Mantra is considered wrong according to Vedic Sanaatan religious books. It is the general and important custom to greet or welcome through Vedic Mahaamantra.
Aum aa no bhadrah kratavo yantu vishwaotodbdhaaso aparitaas udbhidah I
Deva no yathaa sadmid vridhe asannapraayuvo rakshitaaro dive dive II
Devanaam bhadra sumatirirjooyataam denanaam raatirabhi no nivartataam I
Devanaam Sakhyamupsedima vayam deva na aayuh pratirantu jeevase II
Taanpurvayaa nivida hoomahe vayam bhagam mitramaditim dakshamstridham I
Aryamanam varunam Somamashwinaa saraswati nah subhaga mayaskarat II
Tanno vaato mayobhu vaatu bheshajam tanmaata prithivi tatpitaa dhyoh I
Tad Gravanah Somsuto Mayobhuwastadashwina shrinutam dhishnayaa yuvam II
TAmishaanam jagadastasthukhaspatim dhiyannijanvamavase hoomahe vayam I
Pushaa no yathaa vedsaamsad vridhe rakshita paayuradabdhah swastaye II
Swasti Na Indro Bridhdhha Sravaaha I
Swasti Na Haan Pookha Vishvwaa Vedaaha
Swasti Nastaaraksho Arishtane Mehin
Swasti No Vrihaspaatir Dadhaatu II
Prikhadashwa marutah prisnimaatarah subhanjaavanu bidathe khu jag mayah I
Agnejihvaa manavaah surakchasho visve nu devaa awasa gamanyah II
Bhdram Karnebhihi Shrinuyaam devaa bhadram pashye na khs bhir jay at rah I
Sthireange Tushtova Gum Sastanu Bhir Vyasemadehi Devahitam Yadaayuh II
Shri man mahaa ganadhiipataye namah II
Aum Tadev lagnam shudhinam ta deva I
Tara walam Chandra walam ta deva II
Vidya walam deb walam ta deva I
Laxmi patete ghriguyoon smaraami II
Vakratunda Mahaakaaya Suryakotee SamaPrabha
Nirvighnam kuru mey Deva, Sarva kaaryeshu Sarvadaa II10.Samkalp (Pledge): There are two types of Samkalp
a) Nishkaam Samkalp: This samkalp is devoid of any thoughts and wishes. And this Samkalp is done from the curiosity of inner core.
b) Sakaam Samkalp: Through this samkalp, we wish to eradicate the problems in our lives. We tell our problems to God by mentioning our Zodiac (Raashee), Planetary position of the day (Gochar), house and want the God top sort out those problems. Hindu religion believes that there is power in mantra which can decimate our problems.
These steps are precursor to a successful pooja, especially for Saguna Pooja. Remember, you will get the benefic effects of a pooja only when every step (of the aforementioned ones) is performed in the way as described. However, not following them would not harm you but it would not be beneficial either.
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