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November 6, 2013

Lord of Ayurveda -Dhanvantari Stotram -Listen For Healthy Life

"Day of Dhanvantari" is observed on Triayodashi, in the month of Aasviyuja on every year to bestow perfect health which is equal to wealth.

Dhanvantari is the aspect of Natural Law which brings health and immortality. 

Maharishi Yagya performances on the Day of Dhanvantari promotes good health for everyone.

Dhanvantari Stotram in English -

 Lord of Ayurvedic Medicine


Om Sankham Chakram Jaloukaam

Dadhadamruta GhatamChaaru Dorbhicchaturbhihi

Sookshma Swacchati Hrudayaamsuka

Parivilasan Moulim Amboja Netram

Kaalaambodojvalaangam Katitata Vilasat

Chaaru Peetaambaraadyam

Vandey Dhanvantarim Tam

Nikhila Gada Vana Proudda Daavaagni Leelam


Meaning -- 

Salutations to him, Lord Dhanvantari, who is holding in his four hands a Conch, a Disc .a Leech and a pot of celestial ambrosia

in whose heart shines a very clear, gentle and pleasing blaze of light, which also shines all around HIS head and lotus eyes.

On the dark blue/black water his body is luminous and splendid.

His waist and thighs are covered in yellow cloth and who by his mere play destroys all diseases like a huge forest fire.


Ayurveda Description --


Ayurveda or " Ayurvedic medicine " ( science of life ) is a wisdom and medicine from India . In Sanskrit , the word Ayurveda is a combination of the words : "Ayur" meaning "life" and "veda" meaning "science".

Ayurveda offers a sustainable well-being in life , both individual families and society. It places man in his dimension to both physical and spiritual .

Ayurveda believes in the balance of three "elements" : 

Vata ( wind / spirit / air ) , 

Pitta ( fire / bile ) , 

Kapha ( earth / water / mucus ) . 

The concept of the Panchakarma , Pancha in Sanskrit : five and Karma :  action,  is an Ayurvedic treatment whose goal is to purify the body by causing the elimination of toxic elements from the body.

The Ayurvedic diet includes a series of recommendations , ranging from the preparation and consumption of food, good health habits for the day and night , sexual life and the rules of moral conduct .

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