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October 2, 2012


Here is a list of some of important kings who ruled Sri Krishna Dwaraka, according to the Ancient Indian History, with the number of  years ruling.

  1. Chandragupta Mourya 330-298 B.C. 32 years.
  2. Bindusar 298-273 B.C. 25 years.
  3. Ashok 273-232 B.C. 41 years.
  4. Pushyamitra Shunga 190-149 B.C. 41 years.
  5. Chandragupta Gupta 308-330 A.D. 22 years.
  6. Samudragupta 330-375 A.D. 45 years.
  7. Vikramaditya 375-414 A.D. 39 years.
  8. Kumargupta 414-455 A.D. 41 years.
  9. Harsha 606-647 A.D. 41 years.
Total ---------327 years.

The average is 327/9 = 36.3 years.

Multiplying 138 generations by 35 years we get 4830 years before Chandragupta Mourya. Adding Chandrgupta's date 320 B.C. to 4830 we get 5150 B.C. as the date of Lord Krishna.

Megasthenis, according to Arian, has written that between Sandrocotus to Dianisaum 153 generations and 6042 years passed. From this data, we get the average of 39.5 years per king. From this we can calculate 5451 years for 138generations. So Krishna must have been around 5771 B.C.

Pliny gives 154 generations and 6451 years between Bacchus and Alexander. This Bacchus may be the famous Bakasura who was killed by Bhimasena. This periodcomes to about 6771 years B.C.

Thus Mahabharata period ranges from 5000 B.C. to 6000 B.C. and Dwarka fits into this scenario perfectly.

Mahabharata mentions the ancient tradition as 'Shravanadini Nakshatrani',i.e., Shravan Nakshatra was given the first place in the Nakshatra- cycle (Adi-71/34and Ashvamedh 44/2) Vishwamitra started counting the Nakshatras from Shravan when he created 'Prati Srushti'. He was angry with the old customs. So he started some new customs. Before Vishvamitra's time Nakshatras were counted from the one which was occupied by the sun on the Vernal Equinox. 

Vishvamitra changed this fashion and used diagonally opposite point i.e.Autumnal Equinox to list the Nakshtras. He gave first place to Shravan which was atthe Autumnal Equinox then. The period of Shravan Nakshatra on autumnal equinoxis from 6920 to 7880 years B.C. This was Vishvamitra's period at the end of Tretayuga. Mahabharat War took place at the end of Dwapar yuga. Subtracting the span of Dwapar Yuga of 2400 years we get 7880 - 2400 = 5480 B.C. as the date of Mahabharat War.
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